Monday, October 25, 2010

quote design

Morgan freeman quote design
this is my quote design, what influenced me to design it his way was the quote basically said that all birds weren't meant to be caged and they should be free, so i used this open window to symbolize freedom of the caged bird. i made it my own by adding my creative thought into it, i didn't steal any design ways off of anyone i just designed it the way i wanted it. the process i went through designing this was difficult.i started off struggling finding a good quote i could use, then it was hard to think of a way to symbolize this quote through pictures, but the hardest task was creating, and putting the whole thing together as one idea.


  1. Oh my lord. I love this so much Jake :)
    It's very pretty and very creative.
    I must say, that it looks very very professional.

  2. this is lovely.
    nice bird thing.
